Salam sejahtera tuan-tuan,
Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba... Now it is time to fasten your seatbelt... and watch and see...
Saya masih berpegang kpd analysis saya sblm ni, bahawa harga emas akan terus turun mendadak. Sampai berapa harga wallahu'alam, nobody knows...

The ultimate price to buy adalah:
Emas jongkong 999.9(gold bar): USD1200 to USD1300++ per ounce
Emas 916 (di Tomei, Poh Kong, Habib Jewels, dan se-standard dgnnya): RM140 to 150+ per gram

Bagaimana dgn silver? Silver lg menarik... Tapi risiko lebih tinggi... pm me kpd sesiapa yang berminat nak tau..

Skrg masa untuk watch the movie, and hold the cash...wait for the right timing... it is also a good action to start accumulating sedikit demi sedikit, as nobody knows, what is the best price to buy, and when is the right time to buy.

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